Saturday, November 7, 2009

Emotional Sex

I had a friend tell me recently that the sex was so good it made her cry. I shared that she was not alone. I've had similar sex situations. But what is the crying really about.....

I've cried because...OH YES!!!!! It was absolutely mind blowing. I had no control of anything at some point and then I realized that tears were running down my face. Was it really that good or was it some deeper emotion behind the DAMN, this is the LAST time sex, why dose he cheat on me sex, the I've missed you and this right here (this shit right here) sex, the long time no see sex, and of course the make-up sex.

But, isn't that actually an oximoron? Should you really be crying during sex? Sex releases indorphins and adrenaline into your body during sex-so what the hell is going on with our minds that we over ride the pleasure sensations and crying begins. Additionally, Isn't that kinda weird, that not only tears are running down your face your nose will also begin to run and you'll have to start sniffling to try and control it. That's way too much going on.

Damn, emotional sex. I'd much rather the sex that knocks me out-sleep immidetaialy after. Or the non commital sex that allows me to dap him up and say "Thanks, same time same place-next week". Because if I'm crying, then I love and am in love with him and that's a whole nother blog for a whole nother day.......

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