Sunday, November 8, 2009

Who Does he Think he Is?

Every once in awhile, I get fortunate enough to get a weekend all to myself. The kids go with their dad. No children, no mommy responsibilities, just me. Moms love those types of days/weekends. When those fortunate weekends occur, I use to travel (another blog for another day). But this weekend, I stayed in the area and spent quality time with me and found time for a guy friend...

At the end of the movie, we hugged and said our pleasantries of goodbye. It was still a little early, so I thought I'd invite him back for a drink.


Yep, when were my children coming home? So, I called one of them.
"Hey, what time will you guys be home?"
"Oh hey, mommy. We're already home. Hold on daddy wants to talk to you"


"WHAT!? Why the hell is he still at my house?!" Drop the kids off and go!!!

"What's up? Where you at? What you cook for dinner? I'ma get me a drink. Oh, cute shoes. What you get from Vickie's?"


Why was he there? Why was he was going through my cabinets and refrigerator. Why was he in my room looking at my new shoes :)(You know shoes makes me happy) I've bought. He found a Victoria's Secrets bag and proceeded to go through it. He then asked who I was wearing my sexy little (and I mean little) number for and various other questions.


It took a lot of energy not to really curse him out. Cursing him out would only prolong his stay and mess up my plans for my nightcap. I politely asked him to leave and to be gone by the time I got home. I made up some reason why I was completely annoyed with him and didn't have the energy to fight with him when I got home. He didn't want that battle, he left. But the audacity....


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