Friday, January 29, 2010

Long Distant Relationship(s)

After my ex husband and I graduated from High School, we both headed to colleges in different states. He headed to Houston Texas and I to Washington DC. Our freshman year we saw each other a total of 3 times (once during homecoming-October, again during the Holiday break-December, and again in the Spring-March) So our phone bills were ridiculous-there were no cell phones then (to text) or e-mail. We did the long distant thing off and on for over 6 years.

During those years he did his thing, and boy did he. While on my side of the U.S. I went to school (full time), worked (full time) and took care of the kids. I had my eye on the finish school and do the family thing-be a good mom and eventually wife.

Yeah, fast forward present day... I'm in another semi-long distant relationship. Semi because we actually live in the same state, but he rolls out for like 2 weeks every month. Anyway, I'm struggling. Struggling because I don't want to do this bullshit again!!!! Long distant relationships = he gets to do him, while I be good because I'm suppose to. Long distant relationships=trust issues multiplied times 10 and the need for the best communication, love would have to offer...WE struggle with both. GRRRRRR!

Oh yeah and he needs to go to SEX ADDICTS ANONYMOUS and I suppose I need to go to ATTENTION DEFICIT ANONYMOUS. We have our issues...But which is worse though? That he can't be exclusive and keep his dick to himself? Or that I just want to know I'm loved, cherished and adored? That a few calls, some text messages and or e-mails can and will keep me happy and afloat until I see him in a few weeks? I know I can contain myself and wait until he's back in town but his ass can't! And I don't think he he even knows how... And honestly, I think his inability to be exclusive and just be with me under the circumstances is just silly. But is it really too much to ask?

Long distant relationships= heart ache! Long distant relationships= THIS SHIT IS HARD!!! Guess, I haven't learned my lesson...

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