Saturday, January 2, 2010

Maintaining the Entertaining

The definition(s) for maintain are 1. to keep in existence or continuance; preserve; retain, or 2. to keep or hold. And there are numerous definitions for entertain 1. to hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably; amuse, 2. show hospitality to. 3. to admit into the mind; consider, 4. to hold in the mind; harbor; cherish.

So when putting all of the contextual definitions together and apply them to real life scenarios a number of definitions work. Like, to keep in existence to hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably. Or another definition would be to keep, hold, or sustain to cherish. Equals this working sentence...He maintains (keeps in existence, or continues to preserve, retains) relationships with other women to entertain (hold the attention or show hospitality or cherish). HMMMMM, makes me think!

Why the hell do men continue to maintain and entertain women that they say they are not involved with?! And maybe I'm not being fair, I suppose women do it too, so I'll rephrase the following....Why maintain these relationships, i.e hold on to these women/men? Why continue to communicate, i.e entertain the bullshit.

Maintaining the Entertaining?!

It makes no sense. These relationships seem to linger because, I think the need to keep options open comforts some. I think games are played-of keeping nice...via text, e-mail, instant messaging etc. in the event of future opportunities for... I just don't think they are healthy for current relationships. Are these conversations or by chance meetings neccessary? Do these people mean that much, that any form of communication keeps the realtionship alive?

Women love such attention and if we're getting it from someone we use to be involved with, it makes it just that more special. So, to maintain communication or maintain any types of relationship with her/him I think is dangerous.

Someone once told me that entertaining leads to sex. I never thought that before and that may have been the intentions of the guys that I would chat with but never my thoughts. I just liked the communication. However, I do know that if I ever wanted to sleep with any of my random guy friends that I maintain entertainment with, they would surely oblige. So, what makes sense to to not maintain the entertainment...

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