Monday, November 23, 2009


So I was having one of those days. Nothing seemed to be going my way. I wasn't feeling well, issues with my boo and it was raining (I dislike the rain very much). So, when a friend needed a favor and I had nothing better to do riding through 3 states didn't seem so bad.

The favor didn't matter anymore when I saw the DSW. The day had just gotten better. My head ache and upset stomach that I had all day was gone. The rain stopped and my boo problems didn't seem to matter. Shoe stores and shoe sections of stores fill me with such joy and delight. I get excited with just the thought of perusing the aisles. The anticipation of finding a cute shoe and the possibility of it being on sale thrills me.

So, on this particular day a pair of new shoes was just what the Dr. ordered. It didn't matter-a sexy stiletto, a pretty little peep toe, a marvelous mary jane, some banging thigh high boots, a sultry strappy sandal...I just needed a new pair, I needed a pick me up-a prescription of elatedness.

My process-I walk slowly down each aisle. I glance at each shoe, pick up the ones that catch my attention, try on the ones that I really like and only purchase the ones that I absolutely love. On sale is preferred but not a required.

And on this day-I found shoes for my friend and a few pair for me. Pure exultantness! Her pair was a cute sexy little black strappy summer Steve Madden sandal-ON SALE and mine was a brown patten leather summer Ralph Lauren sandal, also-ON SALE. An absolutely euphoric day, nothing like shoetherapy.

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